Campaign Planning Committee
Chair: Helen Strain
Contact: Email
The Campaign Planning Committee recommends strategies for the successful election of Democrats. Committee members are involved with the creation and execution of a campaign plan for the DEC. -
Communications and Media Committee
Chair: Vacant
The Communication and Media Committee makes recommendations to the DEC Chair, Steering Committee, or General Membership regarding both external and internal communication. In collaboration with the DEC Chair, this committee oversees the implementation of those recommendations once they are adopted. -
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
Chair: Faye Williams
Contact: Email
The DEI committee works toward a stronger membership community by monitoring, promoting and encouraging more inclusion, respect, and support for all members and by actively seeking members who represent all sectors of society. We are committed to to carrying out the diversity and inclusion policies of the Florida Democratic Party in Alachua County. -
Fundraising Committee
Chair: Cheryl Moody
Contact: EmailThe Fundraising Committee is a standing committee with the goal of raising funds to ensure the financial viability and stability of the Alachua County Democratic Organization. Strategies include but are not limited to organizing events and sending fundraising letters/emails.
Gala Committee
Chair: Evelyn Foxx
Contact: Email
The Gala Committee is in charge of overall planning for the ACDEC’s major fundraising event, the Lawton Chiles Gala. Committee members plan, coordinate, and implement the event with the following roles and responsibilities: planning and logistics, auction procurement, sponsor solicitation, guest experience, entertainment and program, media and publication, decor, and volunteer coordination. -
History Committee
Chair: Dr. Jake Gordon
Contact: Email
The Mission/Purpose of the History Committee is five-fold: Identify, Collect, Document, Preserve and Disseminate (ICDPD) relevant DEC and related historical materials. The University of Florida Library/Archives serves as the depository of all DEC official and related materials. The overarching goal is to publish the history of Alachua County DEC, and to organize biennial exhibitions of DEC materials at UF Library/Archives. -
Legislative Committee
Chair: Dustin Fridkin
Contact: Email
Description: -
Membership and Credentials Committee
Chair: Doris Harvey
Contact: Email
The Membership and Credentials committee’s responsibilities include but are not limited to the following: reviewing applications for DEC membership, maintain an up-to-date lists of members and precinct vacancies, keeping records of DEC meeting attendance, excused and unexcused absences, review and report on the credentials of elected members. -
Outreach Committee
Chair: Danielle Hawk
Contact: EmailOur vision is to build a robust outreach infrastructure that encourages year-round civic engagement of Alachua County Democrats, becoming a trusted partner and voice in our communities.
Planning and Research Committee
Chair: Bill Radunovich
Contact: EmailThe Planning and Research Committee is tasked with developing a long-range plan for the DEC and researching topics as assigned by the DEC Chair or Steering Committee.
Policy and Bylaws Committee
Chair: Alex Hamilton
Contact: Email
The DEC has rules (Bylaws and Policies) that govern how it operates. The purpose of these rules is to ensure fairness, efficiency, and consistency with our democratic values. The Policy and Bylaws Committee is responsible for knowing these rules, offering guidance on their interpretation, and ensuring that the rules are easily available to others in the DEC community. Anyone in the DEC community can propose new rules or updates to existing rules. This committee guides proposals for rule changes through the appropriate processes. -
Precinct Leader and Volunteer Development Committee
Chair: Vacant
The Precinct Leader and Volunteer Development committee is responsible for the maintaining of up-to-date training and materials for both our Precinct Leaders and Volunteers. Both during and in-between elections, PLVD focuses on engaging those currently on our lists and adding new individuals to be contacted. -
Youth Council
Senior Advisor: Danielle Hawk
Contact: Email
The Alachua County Democratic Party’s Youth Council is organizing young Democrats under 22 to achieve progressive political solutions to the interconnected crises threatening our future. As the generation most burdened by the failures of politics as usual, we are committed to defending our party’s historic victories while keeping our nation moving forward. As proud progressives, we support making critical investments in clean energy, securing justice for marginalized people, expanding American democracy to include all of us, advancing reproductive freedom, and building an economy that serves working people.
Alachua County Young Democrats
President: Alex Hamilton (Email)
Vice President: Danielle Hawk (Email)
Our progressive values in action. A record number of young voters turned out nationwide last election, but young people in Florida fell short. It's clear, now more than ever, that Democrats in our state need to invest in rebuilding trust with young voters - and that work starts with us. ACYD is rebuilding the infrastructure we need to engage young people in our county and ultimately elect more Democrats in the years to come. -
Alachua County Democratic Women's Club
President: Doris Harvey (Email)
We are a group of women and men who are committed to Democratic principles and want to assure that eligible voters will vote for candidates that uphold those principles. We uphold the principles of building a strong economy for all Americans, ensuring adequate and affordable health care, honoring diversity, supporting a reasonable and humane immigration policy, protecting communities and building trust in our justice system while reforming our prison system, and by combating the rising climate crisis.
We would love to have you join our club and actively participate in turning Florida Blue. We have a diverse group of active committees and we meet monthly on the third Monday of the month at 11:30 AM.
North Alachua County Democratic Women's Club
President: Asia Eichmiller (Email)
The mission of the Democratic Women’s Club of North Alachua County and surrounding counties is to involve women in the political process by offering support and sharing information and goals of Florida Democratic candidates focusing on voter rights, inclusiveness, and forming partnerships with other organizations in support of women’s rights and Democratic values in North Alachua and surrounding counties. -
UF College Democrats
President: Sabrina Briceno (Email)
Vice President: Lily Kaladjian
We are the official voice of the Democratic Party at the University of Florida. We aim to build a democratically engaged student body by providing professional development and community organizing opportunities. Our members have been extremely successful in their political journeys with internships from the White House, Capitol Hill and more! -
Santa Fe College Democrats
President: Amy Trask
Vice President: Tess Salter
Senator: Alex Hood -
Gainesville High School Dems
President: Myles Fisher
Alachua County Black Caucus
President: Carrie J. Parker Warren (Email)
Alachua County Democratic Environmental Caucus
President: Bill Radunovich (Email)
The goal of the Alachua County Democratic Environmental Caucus is to bring together the environmental community and the Democratic Party in order to move environmentally-friendly policy forward in the Democratic Party and elect environmentally-friendly Democrats. -
Alachua County Democratic Veterans Caucus
President: Ray Moorer
The purpose of the Democratic Veterans Caucus is threefold: to advocate for the specific concerns of Veterans and the families of Veterans by making use of the political process; to work to elect Democratic Veterans or advocates of Veterans; and to encourage Democratic Veterans to participate in the election process at all levels of government. -
Democratic Hispanic Caucus of Florida Alachua County
President: Patricia Rengel (Email)
The Democratic Hispanic Caucus of Florida Alachua County Chapter’s mission is to increase participation in public affairs that will foster a better and more representative government for Hispanics. We will achieve the mission by: increasing Hispanic voter turnout and elect Democrats in our county; working with caucuses across the state to elect Democrats that represent our values; encouraging qualified Hispanic citizens to become candidates for public office and supporting applicable campaign efforts to elect all Democratic party nominees; supporting, advocating, and soliciting legislation and government action on a national, state, county, and local level which reflects the best interest of the Hispanic community.
Stonewall Democrats of Alachua County
President: Helen Strain (Email)
Vice President: Linda Bassham